Thursday, November 6, 2008

SOA Preliminary Exam Study Guides

I have found that this company cuts out the bull, and makes studying for these crazy exams as straightforward as (possibly) can be. Here is the link: . For each topic within an exam, you get a high level introductory online lecture, course notes that summarize everything on the syllabus, end of chapter textbook questions that are intentionally easy, an online multiple choice test with intermediate level questions, then a binder of old exam questions along with new exam style questions. The point is to start easy, then work your way up to exam style questions. They also provide a practice test that will be as close to mimicking a real exam as you can get. This is the deluxe study package, you can easily omit the lectures and online MC test (and additional flashcards) by purchasing the standard study package. I’ve compared this to ACTEX and other study programs, and I find this is by far the most helpful.

Author: Matt
Posted: Jacklyn

Monday, October 27, 2008

Review: Ronzoni Bistro

While I was at Fry's this week I noticed that Ronzoni Bistro Meals were on sale and I had a coupon :) So I figured I would give them a try. The bags are 8 oz and only 210 calories. They would make a good lunch for the days that I was too lazy to prepare a lunch (or so I thought). So today I tried my 1st one (Penne with Chicken and Broccoli) and I have to say I'm highly disappointed. I know that they were going to have to put a lot of preservative in that bag to make it safe but it's really not tasty. Eatable? Yes.

Overall I give this product a 1/5 due to the fact that it was easy to prepare. I will be eating the other 3 pouches that I bought because it is eatable, but I will definitely never buy this product again.

As a note there is a red sauce meal as well that I will not be trying but it may be better.


Friday, October 24, 2008

Actuarial Tables

Most people gives us blank stares when we tell them we're actuaries. So we tell them we're in risk management, or that we make pretty charts. Now we can tell them something new. We predict the death of childhood heros. :)



Monday, October 20, 2008

Goodbye Christine :(

After 4 years, Christine is leaving AMC. Here is the slideshow that was played at her going-away party.

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Kim's last day

Better late than never...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Amazing Appearance of the Jean Monster!!

So here we are just minding our own business working away when the light clicks on. "Oh Matt is here" we all think. But then !Bam! It's not Matt!! It's Matt being eaten alive by the Jean Monster!!! After we got over the initial scare of this new creature we found it to be relaxed and nice. We hope to see you someday again Jean Monster!

A scared observer quickly snapped this phone photo to preserve the appearance of this rare being!