Tuesday, February 26, 2008

One of the Many ways that Kim brings joy into our lives

Here is a short clip summing up the adventure that Jacklyn and I participated in last Friday to save fair Kim's purse... and other belongings. Hopefully you are able to get past the shakes of my amateur filming skills to see the real joy that Kim provided that day.

-Ashleigh & Jacklyn

Our HERO!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Always learning

A new word has popped into Jacklyn's vocabulary. Haza. (Ok, maybe it is just new to me.) In the spirit of expanding our vocabulary here at AMC, this is a short tutorial, given by Jacklyn herself, exemplifying the proper use of "Haza."

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

It could have been worse.

We've had our fair share of interesting work arrangments the last few months. As our time in make shift desks comes to a close, I'd like to take this opportunity to honor those brave men and women around the country who have it way, way worse than we do.

"A multibillion-dollar marine-terminals company decided to put its IT contractor inside a 40-foot steel cargo container. He calls it "the hamster cage." To get electricity, he ran a 100-foot extension cord to a power substation. In the winter, a small electric heater provided white noise, but little warmth. When it rained, he had to close himself in. And you think you have trouble getting a wireless signal...."

"When the first floor of his office flooded, management decided that rather than telecommute, everyone would pack into the second floor. Without enough desks to go around, this poor guy pulled out the drawers of a filing cabinet and stuck his monitor on top."

"This cubicle features a single fluorescent light, paperclips as cubicle hooks and overturned boxes as shelf space, while lacking both windows and a working land line. What's worse, these guys don't even get their own cubes."

"We'd assume this cubicle dweller is just a bad photographer, but he assures us the lighting in his office really is this depressing. As is the utter lack of décor. Dude, get a plant."